Invisible Dog fence
An invisible dog fence from eDog is an excellent method for keeping your dog contained. If your dog is an escape artist or enjoys digging in your garden, then an invisible (or electric) dog fence is the best way to correct that behaviour. When the fence is turned on, a radio signal is sent out and the collar of your dog will get triggered if it approaches the fence. The collar can emit several levels of correction. On the lowest setting, the collar will provide an audible signal, the following setting will include a vibration effect, and the highest setting includes a static shock.
You can easily train your dog to respond to the settings on the collar. The invisible dog fence is an aid to training, and you'll need to train your dog on what is expected of them. After you install and turn on the fence, you should walk to the fence with your dog. As soon as you hear your dog's collar provide an audible warning, call your dog away, instruct them to sit, and then reward them with some treats. The audible correction will be enough for many dogs to remind them they're not allowed to go places.
Even though the collars can deliver a static charge to your dog, they are safe and will not harm them. The shock correction from the collar is similar to the static shock you may receive from walking on carpets sometimes; it's unpleasant, but it doesn't really hurt. In most cases, only stubborn dogs will need the highest settings on the collar.
As an additional aid to their training, the invisible dog fence will come with flags as a visual guide for your dog. You can place these about 10cm inside the safe zone. All the settings on the collar will include an audible correction first, followed up by additional corrections if your dog keeps getting closer. Once your dog returns to the safe zone, the collar will return to normal.
How does an invisible dog fence work?
The invisible dog fence has three main components: an in-ground cable, the transmitter unit, and the correction collar. The transmitter sends a radio signal through the in-ground cable, and the collar can detect this signal. If your dog roams close to the cable, it will activate and perform the correction you've selected.
The in-ground fence will work on mains power, and it needs to be installed in a location close to a suitable power supply. The collar will be powered by a battery, some of which are lithium rechargeable, others may be standard batteries. However, most modern units use a rechargeable battery for the collar. If you have more than one dog, you can purchase additional collars. There is no setup required for additional collars. You can turn them on, and they'll be ready to work with your existing electric dog fence.
Appropriate training is required to get the most out of your invisible dog fence. If you are standing in the correction zone, you should not call your dog to you, instead use stay and sit commands and make your dog wait until you approach. While you're in the safety zone, if you hear the collar activate (i.e., it beeps), get your dog to step away and provide them with a treat. This will reinforce the idea of moving away when your dog hears the collar activate.
If you want to allow your dog to roam free, you can turn the system off and give a command so they understand it is safe to go beyond the flags. Alternatively, you can remove the collar and allow your dog to go past the fence line.
What are the benefits of using an invisible dog fence?
An invisible dog fence is excellent for keeping your dog contained in a specific area. Some dogs take escaping from a backyard as a personal challenge, and they'll dig or try to jump out. When you use an invisible fence, it'll provide a barrier and help to deter them from these unwanted behaviours. There are penalties for wandering dogs in most states of Australia, even if they are registered with the local council.
Digging is a game that many dogs come up with to alleviate periods of boredom. Dogs tend to dig in soft places, and freshly planted gardens are often a favourite. Using positive reinforcement, such as providing a place they can dig, like a sandpit, can reward your dog for choosing the appropriate behaviour.
Where can I buy an invisible dog fence near me?
We offer a wide variety of dog fences at eDog. By examining each of these, you can decide which is most suitable for your needs. Look for a unit that has enough cable to cover your backyard. You can have your items shipped to any location, or you can choose to click and collect.
We have many other electronic and regular dog products on offer in our store. These include snuggle puppy toys, citronella collars, training collars, GPS dog tracking, and grooming kits. If you have questions about invisible dog fences or any of our other products, you can call our team, and we'll be happy to discuss these with you.